Being involved in an automobile accident can be a traumatic experience — no matter who is to blame. But when your automobile accident is caused by a manufacturing or design defect, it can be even worse. Every year thousands of consumer products are recalled due to a design or manufacturing defect — many of these pertain to automobiles and motorcycles. Automobile manufacturers, engineers and designers can all be found guilty of negligence, if the defective vehicle or defective part that they made available to the consumer market lead to an automobile accidents.
Automobile & Defective Parts
The features of a vehicle that can be defective are:
• Seatbelts
• Tires or tread separation
• Air bags
• Door latches
• Roofs
• Gas tanks
• Gas Pedals
• Suspension systems
If an airbag does not deploy during an accident or a seatbelt fails, serious injuries or death can occur, creating unnecessary medical bills and suffering for both the victim and his family.
The NHTSA, or National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, is in charge of tracking and maintaining vehicle recalls as well as ensuring that vehicle manufacturers follow through on their recalls appropriately in order to guarantee the safety of vehicle consumers. According to their website, over 390 million vehicles, including trucks and cars, buses, motorcycles, recreational vehicles and mopeds have been recalled due to defective parts. They have also worked hard to recall 66 million different types of vehicle equipment, 66 million tires, and over 42 million child safety seats that were manufactured and released to the public with defects that created safety issues.
Unfortunately, there are vehicles that slip through—even though recalls are announced. When this happens, dangerous and deadly accidents occur. If an automobile accident has occurred due to vehicle or component defects, we have the resources and the knowledge to handle a claim to recover the compensation you deserve. If you feel that you have been injured in an automobile accident that resulted from vehicle defects, contact a personal injury lawyer in your state.