Sideswipe accidents occur when two cars collide with each other side by side.  Usually this occurs when one car decides to switch lanes and ends up sideswiping the car next to him/her.  Even though sideswipe accidents are relatively minor, they can still cause damages and injuries to everyone involved.

As with any car accident, a sideswipe accident can cause significant damage to the vehicles involved in the accident. In addition, drivers and passengers can sustain serious injuries, especially if the vehicles ran off the road or into a median.  One of the dangers of sideswipe accidents is that when the cars collide, they usually collide in places that are not protected by airbags, therefore leaving passengers more vulnerable to injury.  The most common types of injuries sustained in sideswipe car crashes are head, neck and back injuries, scrapes and cuts on the face, arms and legs and broken bones.  

Sideswipe Accidents: Just the Facts

Of all the reported accidents in the United States, according to a study that was done by FARS and GES, 497,000 (8.6%) were sideswipe crashes.  Of the 497,000 sideswipe accidents 429,000 were property damaged crashes only and 67,000 resulted in injury.

One of the main causes of sideswipe accidents is an inattentive driver switching lanes.  An inattentive drivers is one who is distracted by another person or other objects and not giving his/her undivided attention to the task of driving.  Drivers are distracted by many objects these days. Signs and billboards on the roads, cell phones and other passengers can all be distractions and can contribute to a sideswipe accident.     

If you or someone you know has been involved in a sideswipe accident, it is important to contact a personal injury attorney in your state as soon as possible. If the accident was caused by another driver's negligence, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries, medical expenses and any damages that have occurred.

This website is not meant to serve as legal advice of any kind and is only intended for informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. As Personal Injury Law varies from state to state we recommend you seek legal advice from an attorney or law firm in your state. The information used on this website is copyrighted and used with permission by Dallas Norton, Esq. Denver's Personal Injury Attorney serving personal injury victims in Denver Metro Area and all of Colorado